Anal ShahAnand Nirbhay ShahParesh Shah2025-02-202025-02-20Dec-18FP-006-CP geotextile fabrics have excellent potential as formwork material. Because of its permeable nature, it has a property of eradicating surplus water and air-voids from the concrete while concreting. It is extremely lightweight therefore easy to handle. Due to its flexible nature, it is versatile in casting varied curved forms, which are difficult to cast using conventional formwork. This research evaluates the performance of locally available woven geotextile fabrics as formwork material. Fabrics are selected by conducting a series of tests to check their physical properties. The changes in concrete properties due to fabric formwork are investigated and documented through this research. The research resulted in encouraging results in terms of fabrics ability to increase the surface hardness of concrete and cast thin shell elements. Based upon the experiences gained from the practical experiments the paper concludes by discussing the interest and future applications for such formwork technology in the context of its compatibility with concretePerformance evaluation of fabric formworkConference Paper