Dhara Shah2025-02-202025-02-20Oct-162249-6866FP-019-JPhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12725/27165Industrial market in India is demanding as well as complex. The requirement of steel structures having larger spans along with heavy loads are gaining priorities, to which the physical properties of Indian rolled steel sections are becoming deficient in terms of stiffness. British universal beam (UB) and universal coulmn (UC) sections are highly suitable for such structures. UC and UB sections are stiffer than ISMB (Indian Standard Medium Beam) or ISMC (Indian Standard Medium Channel) at web, which provides more stiffness in shear and buckling resistance. This study focuses on the compatibility of UC and UB sections with respect to available Indian standard sections in industrial structures, gantry girders, commercial structures and stackers for Indian industries. It is observed that UC and UB sections are superior to Indian sections along with reduction in section weight by nearly 10%.Analytical study of physical behaviour of UC and UB sections in comparison with the Indian standard steel sectionsArticlehttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/340844002_ANALYTICAL_STUDY_OF_PHYSICAL_BEHAVIOUR_OF_UC_AND_UB_SECTION_IN_COMPARISON_WITH_THE_INDIAN_STANDARD_STEEL_SECTIONS