Anal ShahC. B. SHAH2025-02-202025-02-20Jul-17FP-003-JP have been increasing efforts in recent years to minimize the amount of cement used in concrete. Efforts at partial replacement have been successful and regulations are promulgated to standardize and use such successful formulations. There is now worldwide research aimed at complete replacement of cement by activating industrial materials that are rich in silica and alumina with alkaline solution. The present study aims at complete elimination of cement through the development of a geopolymer concrete containing fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), activated by sodium based alkaline activators. The effect of replacing up to 50% fly ash by GGBS is also studied. The strength parameters are measured for a mixture of sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide solution having concentrations from 2M to 12M. The samples are cured under ambient conditions. Compressive and split tensile strengths of cubes and cylinders for all mixtures were measured on the 28th day of casting. The overall data pertaining to compressive strength and chemical components along with curing temperature is compiled to achieve generalized predictable results. Comparative charts were developed in terms of temperature, quantity of NaOH and SiO2/CaO for compressive strength.Effect of chemical composition of different source materials on 28th day compressive strength of geopolymer concrete cured under ambient conditions.Article