Dipsha Shah2025-02-202025-02-2020210363-8057FP-053-JPhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12725/27178In India Solid Waste Management system has been neglected since long time. The aim of this study was to determine the amount and composition of wastes generated within all key operational spaces of university campus to move toward the best technique for waste management. For the design, three institutional campus with different strategies were studied and all factors affecting solid waste management systems were compared and based on this the strategy suitable for CEPT campus was adopted. For the study, the present scenario of Solid Waste Management system at CEPT University was observed and voids in the system were figured out. After that the amount of waste generated in campus was estimated. The results showed that the University produces 480 kg/day, out of which 35% waste can be reduced, 49% is converted into organic manure and 16% of material waste is sent for recycling for production of RCA. It was found that Zero waste system is very beneficial to educational campuses but requires regular supervision and participation of staff and students which makes it difficult to achieve it by 100%. Further it was found out that source segregation is helpful to University campus as it prompts save in transportation cost. By adopting proper segregation of recyclables, large amount of revenue can be generated by selling them to recyclers.Zero Solid Waste Disposal for an Educational Campus: A Case StudyArticlehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1cRKpTxe8gMUq89jn3WlRjoIcyzrrJbfs/view?usp=sharing