Anal ShahMegha BhattRakesh Shah2025-02-202025-02-20Apr-152321-1814FP-001-JP because of strict rules and regulations of environmental board each industry is forced to construct the structures like chimney for effective means of controlling the environmental pollution. IS: 4998 (Part I) Criteria for Design of Reinforced Concrete Chimneys, is using working stress method for chimney designing. There are some limitations of working stress method. Also the designing is difficult involving lengthy and iterative computational effort. So we should recognize this problem and we should use some time saving techniques like interaction envelopes to optimize the structural design. Chimneys with various heights i.e. 65m, 70m, 85m and 220m are analyzed and designed by working stress method and limit state method for collapse and comparison of results are discussed in this study.Comparison between limit state method and working stress method for RCC chimney designArticle