Dipsha Shah2025-02-202025-02-2020210363-8057FP-054-JPhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12725/27179Water i.e., H2O is a finite source and cannot be replaced/replicated. Water pollution has become a burning issue in today's world. Water is becoming a rare commodity and many of the experts all over the world believe that future war may take place for pure drinking water. With increase in population, water demand will also increase. India is a nation with 17.7% of total world population. Currently many of the states and cities of India are on the alarming stage of water crisis and water stress due to increasing population, to overcome the current scenario, treatment, recycling and reuse of wastewater must be undertaken by using methods like Zero liquid discharge system to meet the water demands. The research study incorporates the Zero Liquid Discharge system for a renowned educational institute of Gujarat; CEPT University, Ahmedabad. The study describes in detail the design of ZLD system for CEPT University. The research study incorporates the methods used for rainwater harvesting along with the treatment of the wastewater generated within the campus. All the calculations for the design of ZLD system have been done based on the National Building Code 2016 (NBC) and Uniform Illustrated Plumbing Code 2017 (UIPC). The study also describes in detail the design of STP based on MBBR technology and also rainwater harvesting using different recharging methods. The daily fresh water consumption of the university will reduce by 55.96% after the adaptation of the designed ZLD technology.Zero Liquid Discharge for Educational CampusArticlehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/14BSVbqcFYBuSF4HUcPv8dczhzNarO5JJ/view?usp=sharing