Meghal Arya2025-02-202025-02-2020199788190852838FP-078-BC in architecture, like in all other fields, has become a number game-and of course, an enterprise in economics. Academic discussions over the past few years have contributed to some thinking which has remained unarticulated. With more than five hundred schools across India, it is difficult to set teaching benchmarks within the existing framework. When the author started thinking about writing a book on education it became very dense and enmeshing�syllabi, curricula, pedagogy, methodologies, and more. Education is heavy, learning is not; so he thought of working on learning. This prompted him to think about involving young teachers and sharing their views on specific topics. This engagement encourages writing about architecture�an important need of the hour. The book has sixteen articles covering various aspects of learning processes and thoughts. It is a book more about learning architecture, than anything else. Actually, it dovetails into teaching without becoming heavy. Further, most of the contributors in this volume are under thirty-five.Interpreting regional contexts in contemporary architectureBook Chapter