Rajan Rawal2025-02-202025-02-20Sep.2015FP-152-CPhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12725/27308As our fast interdepended global world enters the depth of the 21st century, everyone�s immediate attention is to mitigate climate change by various means. One of the proven methods to address climate mitigation is to reduce energy consumption in buildings. The war with global energy crisis is getting intense every second we breathe. Over all buildings account for approximately 40% of global energy consumption (1), most of which is used in making buildings comfortable. Heating Ventilating and Air-conditioning systems (HVAC) and electric lighting does take significan portion of total operational energy consumption. Various materials have influenced architectural aesthetics in recenttimes. Glass is one of them. Uses of glass in fenestration without any shading strategy have adversly affected energy consumption of building. In the current architectural scenario in the country it can be observed that commercial buildings are largely becoming energy intensive in nature, which means that a lot of energy is used in cooling, lighting and running the equipment In this context(2). This study focuses on shading strategy and a solution which meets current requiremeht of architectural aesthestics, possibility of scaling them up and its cost effectiveness. By adding a dynamic shaidng skin over the building�s envelop static skin can lead to drastic reduction in energy loads and increasing thermal and visual comfort at the same time. Keeping materials, finishing and geometry into consideration the design possilities are immense and can indulge the deisgner in varied possibilities. Study provides insight into visual and energy performance of shading devices. The study relies on field measurements and numerical calculations to understand its effectiveness.Impact of movable external shading systems on daylight availability of office building in hot and dry climate of IndiaConference Paperhttps://www.researchgate.net/publication/281446057_Impact_of_movable_external_shading_systems_on_daylight_availability_of_office_building_in_hot_and_dry_climate_of_India