Dhara Shah2025-02-202025-02-20June 30 -2078-0966FP-032-CPhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12725/27272The present study investigates the formulation of key factors for seismic response modification factor of RCC framed staging of elevated water tank. The analysis revealed that three major factors, called reserved strength, ductility and redundancy affects the actual value of response modification factor and therefore they must be taken into consideration while determining the appropriate response modification to be used during the seismic design process. The evaluation of response modification factor is done using static nonlinear pushover analysis. Pushover analysis is an advanced tool to carry out static nonlinear analysis of framed structures. It is used to evaluate non linear behavior and gives the sequence and mechanism of plastic hinge formation. Here displacement controlled pushover analysis is used to apply the earthquake forces at C.G. of container. The pushover curve which is a plot of base shear versus roof displacement, gives the actual capacity of the structure in the non linear range.Formulation of response reduction factor for RCC staging of ESR using static Pushover AnalysisConference Paperhttp://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCE2010/WCE2010_pp1913-1916.pdf