Dhara Shah2025-02-202025-02-20Aug.20189789811343964FP-036-BChttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12725/27239Construction of any structure consists of various stages and layers, one of which is fire protection. Fire leads to temperature rise in structural members, which in turn reduces their strength. Current fire protection strategy integrates a combination of active and passive fire protection measures but very less focus is given to the fire-resistant design approach. This study focuses on comparison of fire-resistant design method for steel structures as per Indian standard (IS800), Australian standard (AS4100), Eurocode (EN1993-1-2) and American standard (AISC360). The study includes design of simply supported steel beam, laterally supported as well as unsupported, with span varying from 3 to 7 m, using IS800:2007. The fire-resistant design of the beam is done for protected and unprotected case, and is compared as per different standards. It is concluded that AISC code gives conservative value, due to the consideration of higher safety factor in the code. Further, Indian code gives economical value but restricts temperature value by 750 �C and in most cases of laterally supported beam, the value of critical temperature is higher than 750 �C, and hence, we cannot use the result of Indian code. Further, Indian code fails to provide clear representation of fire-resistant design for protected steel membersComparative Study of Fire-Resistant Design of Steel Structures as per IS800:2007, AS4100:1998, AISC360:2010 and EN1993-1-2Book Chapter10.1007/978-981-13-0362-3_23https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326784416_Comparative_Study_of_Fire-Resistant_Design_of_Steel_Structures_as_per_IS8002007_AS41001998_AISC3602010_and_EN1993-1-2_Select_Proceedings_of_SEC_2016