Seismic fragility analysis of pile supported wharf: state of art

dc.centreFaculty of Technology
dc.contributor.authorDhara Shah
dc.description.abstractMaritime transportation has played a vital role in deciding the economy of a country all the way through prehistoric times. Rapid development of domestic & international sea trade in the last few decades has drawn attention towards seismic safety of port structures. Also a large numbers of important ports are located in active seismic regions worldwide. So it is vital for ports to work efficiently, remaining serviceable with minimum structural damage under certain level of earthquake. Past experiences reveal the susceptibility of pile supported wharves to severe damage during earthquakes, demanding immediate actions to reduce fatalities, social & economic damage, in terms of seismic vulnerability assessment. Fragility analysis is one of the most powerful and vital tool for evaluating the extent of seismic damage to structures in terms of fragility curves. The fragility curves express the probability of exceeding specified damage state, under various levels of seismic ground motions. The damage states may be classified as serviceable, repairable, near collapse and collapse. This paper is a survey paper presenting an overview of seismic fragility analysis of pile supported wharf. The aim is to go through various technical papers and reports available for developing fragility curves for pile supported wharfs, predicting probability of failure of wharf under certain levels of ground motions along with damage states. The paper also briefs about the seismic fragility analysis concept & methodology.
dc.keywordsseismic fragility analysis, port structures and seismic safety, fragility curves.
dc.publisherStructural Engineering Convention - 2014
dc.titleSeismic fragility analysis of pile supported wharf: state of art
dc.typeConference Paper
