Religious Anchors in Contemporary Neighbourhoods - The Case of Jain Religious Institutions in Ahmedabad

dc.centreFaculty of Architecture
dc.contributor.authorGauri Bharat
dc.description.abstractThis chapter explores the relationship between Jain religious institutions in Ahmedabad and Jain families who live in their vicinities to discuss how religious practices anchored in these institutions are important formative forces for the neighbourhoods. Before delving into the chapter, there are three points I would like to offer by way of background. The first is the question of disciplinary location. I�m an architectural historian by training; therefore, my reading of neighbourhoods follows primarily the spatial logic of both religious practices and neighbourhood. Social relations are explored primarily through their embedding in spatial relationships. The focus on religious institutions and their enmeshing with neighbourhoods is also in many ways a departure from the dominant tropes in neighbourhood studies that resonate in the editorial introduction of this book. Within built- environment related discourses, the planning or formation of a neighbourhood, and indeed the city itself, is largely imagined as agnostic.
dc.journal.nameNeighbourhoods in Urban India In Between Home and the City
dc.publisherBloomsbury Publishing
dc.titleReligious Anchors in Contemporary Neighbourhoods - The Case of Jain Religious Institutions in Ahmedabad
dc.typeBook Chapter

