Effect of the shapes of columns on punching shear in a flat slab structure as per Indan and International standards
dc.centre | Faculty of Technology | |
dc.contributor.author | Anal Shah | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-02-20T12:40:02Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-02-20T12:40:02Z | |
dc.date.issued | Aug-20 | |
dc.description.abstract | Flat slabs structures are the structures with the slabs directly resting on the columns. Due to the absence of the beams the stiffness of the frames reduces resulting in poor performance under the action of lateral loads. The main concern in the flat slabs structures is punching shear that can lead to progressive collapse of the structure. These shear stresses are enhanced due to lateral loads or bi-axial moments which are transferred from slab column connection. This study focusses on effect of the shape of the columns Circular, L, T and Cross on punching shear stress with respect to Indian, American, European and British codes. Total 12 models of a 10 storey building were considered keeping the floor plan area (25m 2) constant and varying the panel sizes (5m x 5m, 8.33m x 8.33m, 5m x 8.33m) as well as the shapes of the columns. The structures were analyzed and it was observed that while Eurocode 2 code was more on the conservative side, L and T shaped columns were more suitable in resisting punching shear stress | |
dc.identifier.other | FP-008-CP | |
dc.identifier.sourcelink | https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344219378_EFFECT_OF_THE_SHAPES_OF_COLUMNS_ON_PUNCHING_SHEAR_IN_A_FLAT_SLAB_STRUCTURE_AS_PER_INDIAN_AND_INTERNATIONAL_STANDARDS | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12725/27264 | |
dc.keywords | Flat slab structures, punching shear, shear reinforcement, failure perimeter, Circular column,rectangular column, L-shape, T-shape, Cross (+) shape columns | |
dc.publisher | National Conference on Structural Engineering NCRASE � 2020 21-22 August 2020 | |
dc.title | Effect of the shapes of columns on punching shear in a flat slab structure as per Indan and International standards | |
dc.type | Conference Paper |