Comparative Study of Backfill Retaining Systems for Onshore RCC Pile Berth Under Different Site Conditions

dc.centreFaculty of Technology
dc.contributor.authorDhara Shah
dc.description.abstractThe study is focused on analyzing and designing backfill retaining systems for a berth with respect to permissible deflection and overall consumption of concrete and steel. It includes analyzing and designing of RCC piled jetty with three types of earth retaining systems namely slope fill (Type 1), diaphragm wall separate from the jetty (Type 2), cantilever wall attached to the jetty (Type 3) and a with two different vessels of 5000 DWT (V1) and 3000 DWT (V2) under different site conditions. The different conditions consists of different water depth, different soil condition (loose, medium and hard), different seismic zone (II, III, IV and V) and earth pressure for different backfill soil parameters and slope fill. The Axial force, Moments (My and Mz), Concrete and Steel consumption are compared with respect to different water depths for all the zones and type of soils. The three systems are then compared against one another to find the most economical section. Also the material consumption factor is found. It was observed that the slope fill (Type 1) and 9 m system is most suitable in terms of economy as a backfill retaining system for on shore RCC pile berth. With change in soil from hard to loose, the pile diameter increases. Also as the width of jetty increases, in case of Type 1 system, the structure becomes less economical due to increased forces
dc.publisherSymposium of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG Symposium 2019)
dc.titleComparative Study of Backfill Retaining Systems for Onshore RCC Pile Berth Under Different Site Conditions
dc.typeConference Paper
