Comparative Study of Berthing Mechanism and Optimum Fender System for RCC Pile Supported Wharf as Per Indian Standard IS4651 Part-3:1974 and British Standard BS6349 Part-4:1994

dc.centreFaculty of Technology
dc.contributor.authorDhara Shah
dc.description.abstractBerthing force is a critical dynamic lateral force in design of berthing structures, having equal relevance when compared to seismic forces. Besides, the construction costs of berthing structures are very high which can be optimized by selecting proper fender system. In the present study, berthing mechanism of bulk carriers having size from 5000 DWT to 250000 DWT is compared as per Indian Standard (IS) and British Standard (BS) so as to design an optimum fender system for a pile supported wharf. It is observed that British standard gives more precise values for berthing velocities for different ves-sel sizes and metocean conditions. Moreover, Indian Standard provides constant value of berthing velocity for vessel sizes more than 250000 DWT, which is not the case with British Standard. Comparative charts are prepared to understand the disparity in energy absorption capacity of different fender system for different vessel sizes and metocean conditions along with its consequences on the wharf. Study concludes with the preparation of suitability matrix, serving as a ready reckoner for selection of fender system for different size of vessels and metocean conditions
dc.journal.nameInternational Journal of Marine Science and Ocean Technology (IJMO)
dc.keywordsBulk Carriers; Berthing Energy; Fender Systems; Berthing Velocity; Pile Supported Wharf; Dead Weight Tonnage
dc.publisherScidoc Publishers
dc.titleComparative Study of Berthing Mechanism and Optimum Fender System for RCC Pile Supported Wharf as Per Indian Standard IS4651 Part-3:1974 and British Standard BS6349 Part-4:1994
dc.vol.noVol. 3

